Having worked on Saturday night I thought a nice lie in was in order so agreeing not to meet my friend
Zoe until midday seemed like an acceptable idea , meaning we got to Columbia Rd. flower Market at about 12.30 and... OH MY DAYS was it packed! It felt like a waste of appreciation of beauty walking behind the stalls rather that down the middle, but I honestly think we would still be there now had we braved the crowd.
I did manage to get a few pictures of the experience and left with the promise of going back, much earlier next time.....
You can already see from here how many people there were but the stalls are truly incredible and I'm not going to curse all the other visitor because I guess everyone deserves to enjoy all these amazing coloursWalking round the back of the stalls wasn't all too bad as it meant we got to see all the quirky shops along the street
I really like this picture, maybe because for some immediate judgemental reason I wouldn't expect this guy to be carrying such an stunning bunch of flowers, they do suit him though!
People people everywhere and not a place to stand

As always street musicians really set the vibe and I think they are just as important as the colours, the stalls as the masses people present on the day

I was looking for a plant for my room on this particular day but alas, these pictures will have to satisfy my botanical needs for the time being

Also in one of the side shop windows we spotted this fun lady made up of, well, everything! You should check her out!