I attended the Central Saint Martin's Ba show held at York hall in Bethnal Green last week and was able to take quite a few good pictures (388 to be precise....)
Selecting which ones to post has been really hard work as every student had an impressive and innovative aspect to their collections.
From daring to daft, it is obvious how CSM have to the reputation they do. It's not only about fashion but also about art.
I have really enjoyed going back through these pictures and recalling some of my favourite outfits that I'd forgotten about as there were so many students showing, some of them actually made me laugh! Awesome!
So take off you hiking boots and slip on you stilettos as down and out does fashion

I really loved this collection because it reminded me of this blog, not down and out in the tramp sense of the word but in a exploring and discovery sense

This is the one that made me laugh out loud! Chicken legs? On a bag? How can you possibly go wrong!

This is wicked menswear! I really like that all the outfits are so different from each other but work really well as a collection

Naked women... on clothes!

This is the daring one... I assume you can see why! Looked really impressive on the catwalk. When all the models got to the end they altered the look of the collection by inflating the outfits, changing the silhouette

These clothes are so much fun! They just say, get over yourself fashion world, please!

I was really impressed by these 'ice shoes'

And for the grand finale.... women on stills! this was crazy! and I'm pretty everyone in there held onto their seat quite tight dreading what could possibly happen!